
Friday, August 27, 2010

The Importance Of Friday!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Friday is the best day of the week. Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said,"We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday." Also reported by Imam Muslim, Abo-Dawod, Al-Nesaii, and Al-Termithi, that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "The best day during which the sun have risen is Friday. It is the Day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered paradise and also when he was taken out from it. It is also the day on which the day of judgment takes place."

Muslims are supposed to do the following on Fridays:
  • Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer. Allah (S.W.T.) said in Surat Al-Jumauah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "O’ you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you if you but knew." In addition, prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had warned from not attending Friday Prayer. Imam Muslim and Ahmad had reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said about people who do not attend Friday Prayer, "I wanted to ask a man to lead people in the prayer so that I may go and burn houses of men who did not attend the Friday Prayer with us" He also said reported by Imam Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nesaii, "Either they (meaning people who do not attend the Friday prayer) stop neglecting Friday prayers or Allah will set a seal on their hearts so they can not find the right path again." In another authentic hadith reported by Abu Dawod, Termithi, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Who ever does not attend three Friday prayers, (without a valid excuse) Allah will set a seal on his heart"
  • It is also recommended to increase supplication especially at the last hour of the day since it is the hour when requests are replied by Allah. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam An-Nesaii, Abu-Dawod, and Al-hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Friday has 12 hours, one of which is the hour where cries are granted for Muslim believers. This hour is sought at the last hour after Asar."
  • It is encouraged to wish peace be upon prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) during Fridays and Friday’s night because of an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "The best day is Friday. On Friday Adam was created, and died. On Friday is the first time the trumpet is blown (meaning when every creature dies) and the second time the trumpet is blown (referring to resurrection). So increase the number of times you wish peace upon me since this prayer will be shown to me." They asked him, How will our prayers be shown to you after you have vanished. He replied, "Allah has prohibited earth to cause the body of prophets to decay."
  • It is also recommended that Muslims recite surat Al-Kahf, because of the authentic hadith reported by Imam Al-Baihaqee, and Al-Hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had said, "Who ever recites surat Al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will give him a light to the next Friday."
  • It is also recommended that Muslims clean and wash themselves and make sure they smell nice when they attend Friday Prayers. Imam Muslim and Bukhari reported that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Every Muslim is obligated to bath on Fridays and wear his best cloth. Also, he should use perfume if he has any."
  • It is important to come early to the Friday prayer. All of the hadith collectors, except Ibn-Majah, reported in an authentic hadith that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "If one washes himself and then went to Friday Prayer, it is considered as if he donated a camel for the sake of Allah. However, If he went in the second hour then it is considered as if he donated a cow and if the third hour then as if he donated a big sheep and if the fourth hour then as if he donated a chicken and if the fifth hour then as if he donated an egg. Then when the Imam starts delivering the speech the angels come and listen to it." Also in anther authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "On Friday the angels come to stand on the doors of the mosque (masjid), the angels record who comes first, if the Imam starts delivering the speech, the angles close their files and come to listen to the speech."
  • It is forbidden to work on Fridays when the call for the prayer is announced because Allah says in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business."
  • Also, it is forbidden to talk during the Khutbah. Several sayings of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) covers this subject. In an authentic hadith reported by (the group of Ahadith collectors), except Ibn-Majah that prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "If you told your friend to pay attention on Friday while the Imam is delivering the speech then you committed a sin of vain talk." Another authentic hadith which was reported by Imam Ibn-Majah and Attermizi that prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Even who touches the gravel on the floor then he committed vain talk, and he who does commit that there will be no (Jumuah) Friday for him."
  • It is also disliked to walk between sitting people during Friday gathering unless there is an empty spot to fill. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ahmad that, A man came and started walking between people during a Friday gathering while Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was delivering his speech, so the Prophet told him, "Sit because you caused harm to other people and came in late."
  • It was not legislated to consider Friday as a day off and not work during it. Because Allah (S.W.T.) said in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 10), what can be translated as, "And when the prayer is finished, then you may disperse through the land and seek of the bounty of Allah." It was not a habit of any of the companions to consider Friday as a day to take off work. On the contrary Imam Al-Malek said, "It is disliked to take Friday off since we will be resembling the Jews and Christians for taking, respectively, Saturday or Sunday off."
Finally , there are two important matters for us in this country to be cautioned of. First of all, we must not neglect Friday Prayers because of work, study, or other matters. Every Muslims should make attending Friday Prayer as his top priority. It is important to do so since ignoring it three times with no valid reason will cause the heart to be sealed from the right path. The second matter to watch for is the loosing of one’s interest in the importance of Friday. This is especially important for the growing generation who are used to the concept of weekend being Saturday and Sunday and know almost nothing about the importance of Friday in the eyes of Muslims. So it is our duty to remind them and ourselves about this great day which is the best day of the week and try to spend it according to Islamic teaching.
(Friday speech was delivered by Imam Mohamed Baianonie at the Islamic Center of Raleigh)

شمسول بن مختار

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi builders..
Forgive me for not having any updates and comment for so long due to my work demand but hey...even though I was not active with postings in this blog doesn't mean that I was not aware of the progress that you guys have made.So keep all those postings coming in and those who have not tried to write anything in this blog please do so because evaluation and assessment is to be made based on your contribution in this blog for the subject. I am waiting for your video to be uploaded soon.

Cheers! Miss Faz!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ramadhan have come ,this month many provision have be open wide for the all food business and my parents are involved to in this month. I 'm also help them sell to and it can be experience for in this month have a lot of challenges ,best challenge and bad challenge.

Best challenge.
*Diverse customer-I 'm like to treat customer .no matter customer sporting or not it because i familiar conditions like this.
*Praised-i satisfaction when i sold food i get praise from customer.
*New friends-i get new friends next at my store and when we are breaking together ,we are like family.
*Profit-we feel happy because our profit on the day lot then capital.

Bad challenge.
*Hot weather- feeling lazy when to bring down all sell items and to start sell food .my throat feel very thirsty like a year does not drink water then i feel sorry when dawn not drink a lot of water.
*Rain with strong winds-this is a big challenge for all seller because a lot of thing can be destroyed and profit can be lost..
*The reward of fasting-my customer are different type of ethnic and religious and there came to buy with a dress too sexy(girls).I would not want to seal the eyes cruel time them came to buy and that can make me lost reward of fasting..
I kind of relax and simply person when seller also really shy but when i do to sell i want to learn not to be shame..ha ha..i thinks that all for my experience sell at bazaar Ramadhan .Hope you all enjoy reading….^_^
'Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak'
 Muhammed Alif B.Junus

Thursday, August 19, 2010

wanna wis all of you happy ramadhan!!!

My first day of Ramdhan In Batu Pahat.

Before I start to share about my story, let me explain a lil bit about Ramadhan. What I had learned in primary school, during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking starting from dawn till dusk. To prepare for the fasting, Muslims wake up before dawn and the fajr prayer to eat a meal also known as a ‘Sahur’ among the Muslim. Muslims break their fast at Maghrib prayer time with a meal called Iftar. Muslims may continue to eat and drink after the sun has set until the next morning's fajr prayer call. And now we go through with my story. Here, I want to tell all of you about my first day of Ramadhan in Batu Pahat. Actually this is not my first time for me in celebrating Ramadhan at ‘perantauan’. So it’s not difficult to me to celebrate it. But I have a little bit problems in celebrating Ramadhan at Batu Pahat because it’s so hard to get the meal which is suit my appetite . But it’s okay because i considered that is a challenger for me. Okay, i can't to spread a bad story about my experience in celebrating Ramadhan in Batu Pahat because i don't want to hurt anybody else. maybe it will make a sensitive issue for Johorian. And the last but not least Happy Ramadhan and what i want in this Ramadhan is be a better person than before, that is my 'doa', Insyallah Allah will grant it..

by nur laila azuan binti mohamad noor


hi gUys,we meet aGain…

AltHough it is aLReady second weEk in rAMADHan mOnth,I tHink it iS nOt tOo late fOr me tO wish aLL oF muSLim sALam raMADhan aNd happy fAStinG.. =)

sO n0w as like wHAt we have been asKed foR, I’m gOing tO sTory a little bit oF meMory tHat sTill rEMind aBout mY rAmadHan.. tHis hapPEned wHen mY faMily deCide tO hAve oUr rAmaDhan aT mY fATher vilLAge, lAst teN yeAr. I sTiLL reMembeR tHat,we hAviNg oUr rAmaDhan in tHE middle oF fRuiT seAson. siNce mY family inFRequEntly bAck tO the viLLage, mY gRAndmoTher, ‘tOk long’ dEcide tO serve us wiTh fRuiTs fRom heR oRChard. There are, rAmbuTans,mAngosetEens anD last bUt nOt least dUriAns. aLL mY family mEmbErs were vEry eXciTed aNd cAn reAly wait tO hear tHe mAghrib pRayer aTHan.

NOw tHe aTHan aLReady heard, aLL mY fAmilY gRoup sitting aroUnd tHe dishes tHAt hAd beEn cOokeD bY mY gRAndmOTher. wHiLE wE wEre hAviNG oUr dish, mY mOm lEttiNg mY tHree yEars oLd sister pLAYing aRounD wiTh mY fOur aNd a hALf mOnth litTle bROtHEr.nOw tHis hOw tHis sTOry bECome iNTerEstiNG, siNCe aLL oF uS wEre rEAly eXciTEd tO tHe dURiaN aNd cannot wAiT tO eAt iT, mY fAthEr aLReadY cLEar uP tHe dUriaN sKins so tHAt wE cAn eAt iT jUSt aFter we finish oUr mEal. mY fOur yEars oLd sister aLreaDy having iT wHile wE aRe enjoying tHe mEAl. siNCe sHe wAs pLAyiNG bAck wiTh tHe bAby, without oUr aTTentiOn, sHE aLSo giving hEr durian tO tHe baby to eAt. “A fOuR month bAby hAviNG durian?” iT mAkes aLL oF uS sHOkeD wHen wE realize aBOut iT, bUt hOWevEr tHe bAby wAs fine aNd mY little bROtHEr rEAly eNJoy iT ! tOday, siNCe wHAt hAd been happened, mY little bRoTHer gRown uP wiTh hiS oWn self interest wHiCh iS eNjoinG tHE dUriAn bAdly. tHat mEMory wAs oNe oF tHE mEMoRy tHat sTiLL been sTory eAch time tHe rAmadHan siNCe oUr little bRotHer, bEcome dURian mAniAc aNd really cAnnOt miss iT in eAch fRuiTs sEAson.

tHat aLL fRom me, hOpe aLL oF yOu eNjoy iT anD seE yOu bAck lAter..

fAst don’t skiP oK gUYs,,, =)



HEllO !!!..... ( ^O^ )

                              MEMORIES IN RAMADHAN MONTH

        When the month of Ramadan, we can an unimaginable variety of food and delicious cakes waiting for us. I have stories to share to all of my memories of the first fast at university. this happen when my first semester ago, my housemate and I was so excited to go breakfast outside the hostel. This is because the first time we can break their fast with a new friend. My friend and I out of the hostel at 3:30 pm for a taxi to the city. Various plans have been arranged to meet our time before breaking the fast food purchase. This time we plan to break their fast in the field of MPK at the mosque in the town of Kuantan because the place is famous for breaking the fast in crowds.

       When we arrived at the Bazaar Ramadhan, we see a variety of food and delicious cakes , so we headed off points. We buy without thinking till every person have bought more than quantity. We forget ourselves and seemed unaware that the food we buy too much. When they break their fast, much food left out. We feel very ashamed of our attitude as we all don't have attitude till thrift to bring a loss to me and friends. This reminds me that greedy people always lose. So my warning to all, when we buy food in the bazaar to buy just to stuff stomach not only by desire. this is because fasting teaches us patience rather than make us greedy people. "Verily Allah SWT do not loves those who are greedy”

" Thank you my friend, I hope this friendship remains forever........"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


اسلا م علايكم... اهلان وسهلان يا رمضان

     Every years since Prophet Adam As, Allah S.W.T have ordered to every Muslim to fasting. And I believed that every person have their own experiences about fasting. But I don’t want to share my experiences, but I want to share my knowledge about fasting.

     Why Allah S.W.T have ordered to us for fasting? The answer is simple, such as to give a rest to our organs because working hard for digesting the food every days, to feel what the poor people feel when they have not the food to eat, to make a understanding to us that we are the same because the different between us is only obey and taqwa and so many secrets of fasting that we know. I hope all of you can search for it.

     Do you know that the Jews also fast like us? But the different between we (Muslim) and the Jews are we have a sahur, but the Jews not have that.

     In Ramadan also, we have the bazaar Ramadan (not forget to remind all of you, do not waste your food on Berbuka, reminded for poor people okay), many kind of kurma and and terawih prayer. I realize one thing, when the Ramadan and Syawal comes, we celebrate the orphan and poor people so exciting, but when the Ramadan and Syawal pass, the orphan n poor people like not exist! We must change our mindset not to prejudice to other people.

     Enough my babbling in this post, I hope we can share a new things in our life. “Time To Change”. Thank you.

By : شمسول بن مختار

