
Thursday, August 19, 2010



hi gUys,we meet aGain…

AltHough it is aLReady second weEk in rAMADHan mOnth,I tHink it iS nOt tOo late fOr me tO wish aLL oF muSLim sALam raMADhan aNd happy fAStinG.. =)

sO n0w as like wHAt we have been asKed foR, I’m gOing tO sTory a little bit oF meMory tHat sTill rEMind aBout mY rAmadHan.. tHis hapPEned wHen mY faMily deCide tO hAve oUr rAmaDhan aT mY fATher vilLAge, lAst teN yeAr. I sTiLL reMembeR tHat,we hAviNg oUr rAmaDhan in tHE middle oF fRuiT seAson. siNce mY family inFRequEntly bAck tO the viLLage, mY gRAndmoTher, ‘tOk long’ dEcide tO serve us wiTh fRuiTs fRom heR oRChard. There are, rAmbuTans,mAngosetEens anD last bUt nOt least dUriAns. aLL mY family mEmbErs were vEry eXciTed aNd cAn reAly wait tO hear tHe mAghrib pRayer aTHan.

NOw tHe aTHan aLReady heard, aLL mY fAmilY gRoup sitting aroUnd tHe dishes tHAt hAd beEn cOokeD bY mY gRAndmOTher. wHiLE wE wEre hAviNG oUr dish, mY mOm lEttiNg mY tHree yEars oLd sister pLAYing aRounD wiTh mY fOur aNd a hALf mOnth litTle bROtHEr.nOw tHis hOw tHis sTOry bECome iNTerEstiNG, siNCe aLL oF uS wEre rEAly eXciTEd tO tHe dURiaN aNd cannot wAiT tO eAt iT, mY fAthEr aLReadY cLEar uP tHe dUriaN sKins so tHAt wE cAn eAt iT jUSt aFter we finish oUr mEal. mY fOur yEars oLd sister aLreaDy having iT wHile wE aRe enjoying tHe mEAl. siNCe sHe wAs pLAyiNG bAck wiTh tHe bAby, without oUr aTTentiOn, sHE aLSo giving hEr durian tO tHe baby to eAt. “A fOuR month bAby hAviNG durian?” iT mAkes aLL oF uS sHOkeD wHen wE realize aBOut iT, bUt hOWevEr tHe bAby wAs fine aNd mY little bROtHEr rEAly eNJoy iT ! tOday, siNCe wHAt hAd been happened, mY little bRoTHer gRown uP wiTh hiS oWn self interest wHiCh iS eNjoinG tHE dUriAn bAdly. tHat mEMory wAs oNe oF tHE mEMoRy tHat sTiLL been sTory eAch time tHe rAmadHan siNCe oUr little bRotHer, bEcome dURian mAniAc aNd really cAnnOt miss iT in eAch fRuiTs sEAson.

tHat aLL fRom me, hOpe aLL oF yOu eNjoy iT anD seE yOu bAck lAter..

fAst don’t skiP oK gUYs,,, =)



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