
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

~wH0 aM i???~


hi tBb mEmbeRs,,,
hOw aRe yOu??
do yOu kNow mE??
i giVe y0u 5 sEcond t0
gUest wHo aM i???
hAha jUst kiDDing,,,
mY naMe is NurjAmiLah biNTi jaMALULLail,,
anD aLL of y0u aLWays cALL me 'aMz',,
wHy aMZ??
dO y0u reAly waNt to kNow wHy??
hmm lEt me tHink fiRst,,
oKey leT me tRy t0 wr0te it in a fOrmal fOrm,,
if all oF y0u aLReady pAsed the kiNdergaRten pEriod,wHat is tHe fiRSt latter tHat aLL of uS hAve beeN lEarn??
tHe aNsweR is A wRigHt??
tHen if u c0unt eAch of tHe leTTer till the miDDle onE, yOu wiLL f0und tHat the lEttEr wAs M..
tHeN wHat wAs tHe last leTTer in tHe aLPhabEt scEDuLe??
iT wAs Z riGht??
sO tHat h0w i g0t my niCknAme.. =)

tHat aLL f0r mY inTrodUction

Now f0r the qUesTion tHat hAve bEEn giVen,
wHy i'm aTTendinG tHis INSEP pr0gRame?
beCAuse i wAnt t0 gAin as mUch aS kN0wldGe aNd exPEriENce tHat hAve beEn giVen in tHis oPportUnities..
iN tHis gLobAl w0rLD,
eXperiEnCe is oNe oF tHE m0st iMpoRTant tHing tHat cAn bE uSe aS a sTEPing sT0ne to gAurantee pERsonal acHiveMent..
s0,i'M g0ing t0 reWArd mY seLf wiTh bEing a pR0duCtiVe iNDividUal pR0viDes aNd giVe mY eMpl0yer a grEater saTisfiCAtion aLso b0osTs mY seLF-eSteEm,,
tHis vAluEs wiLL mAke mE a mArkEtAble eMpL0Yee oNce i'm c0mpLete tHis c0uRse..

tHat aLL f0r n0w,,
seE bAck lAtteR gUys..

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh


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